Some Frequently Asked Questions
1. I want to join The Musical Garden Online Program, what do I do?
Yay!! THANKYOU! Go to the Online Plan Pricing Page.
Select a 5 week, 10 week or 20 week program.
You will be directed to a login page. Enter your email address and a password. We will use your email to deliver the program each week.
Once you've created a login, you will be emailed a confirmation email to click and be redirected to our website.
Choose your plan and pay online with your debit or credit card.
2. How do I access the online program?
The program is accessed by a link you receive each week to your inbox. It will take you to an unlisted YouTube video of the program.
4. How do I watch the program?
The program is delivered to your email as an unlisted link on YouTube. Only that link will take you directly to the program to watch on YouTube. You can watch from your smart phone or device, smart TV, computer or laptop using the YouTube app or when you paste the link in the browser. You can also cast to your TV from your phone or device.
5. Can I download the program to watch?
The program is not able to be downloaded but you have access each week.
6. How long is each weekly episode available to view?
You can watch the program as many times as you like in the week the link is delivered.
7. How do I know my child/ren will enjoy the program?
The Musical has been engaging children for 10 years in early childhood music education. We love what we do and make it fun! All children participate and learn differently though. The benefit of having weekly access to the program is that you can play it as often as you like which will help children enjoy and join in the program.
It's not important for children to do all parts of the program everyday or perfectly, they may join in the dancing or instruments on one day and be focused on the story or activities the next. We know that children can't help but move when they hear the music we play and that is a great start!
8. How often should we do the program?
Daily! research shows daily exposure to music assists in developing: literacy, speech and physical development. In the last 5 years we have run The Musical Garden program 5 days a week in a childcare centre 'One World for Children' in Geelong.
The children who attend music time daily show a greater understanding of music concepts and participate more confidently. Such great news for families joining in The Musical Garden with daily access at home!
9. I signed up for 5 weeks and now want to sign up for 20.
That's great! Email us directly and we will sign you up!
10. How do I stop payments?
The weekly payments will only go for the weeks you purchased and automatically stop at the end of that payment term. Payments are non refundable and must be fulfilled for the weeks you purchased.
11. I have more than 1 child, what do I pay?
You only pay the 1 weekly fee and not per child! Great value! Also the more weeks you purchase in advance, the more you save!
12. I have children of different ages at home. What age is suggested best for the program?
This program is designed to engage and teach children of varying ages and ability. The children will all participate in their own way and to reflect their development, but all will benefit. There's more on the website about the specifics of the program to help guide you.
13. Why online, do you offer classes elsewhere?
The program has run successfully as a parent/child class, in childcare centers, playgroups, kinders and schools. Currently Covid-19 is sweeping Australia (and the world). Online classes are a wonderful way for us to stay connected and keep the love of music alive in children and families. We hope to see you in a live class when we can run face to face classes again!
14. I want to buy this program as a gift?
Lovely! Place a comment in your check out notes or email us at time of purchase. We will need the email of the recipient.
15. I can't get the online video to work, help?
Oh No! Contact us, 0415 977 860, for assistance.
Also double check you are connected to the internet and you have clicked a current video link in your email (video links are deactivated at the start of a new week for the next video to become active)
16. Can I start at anytime?
The first group of online lessons starts Monday 13th April, we want as many people to start learning together as possible. However if you miss this date contact us!